Saturday, February 07, 2009


I should be packing my bags for my trip tomorrow morning but there's a black cloud of an inevitable strike by thousands of AT&T employees. At midnight tonight both parties should be coming to an agreement about commission, pay, benefits, etc. If the parties cannot agree, a lot of AT&T employees will not go to work on Sunday, Monday...etc. I may be on a plane to Pittsburgh only to find out that I have to get on another plane to come right back to Austin. LAME!!! I really don't feel like packing only to unpack. Unpacking is not fun. It's the one thing I hate about traveling.
In addition to my travel woes, I also had car problems today. I had to go to work to get some paperwork signed by Dana. Ryan had a birthday party to go to and we had not yet purchased a gift for his classmate. This was literally my second Saturday off since I've been at the new store and I was pretty excited to have the whole Saturday off to be with my family. I try to turn on the car (at work) with Orly and the kids in tow only to get absolutely no response from my car. Nothing. No light indicators, no sounds, nada. UGH! The jump we gave it did nothing to it. So yeah, we're going to have to deal with that issue now. FUN! Hopefully it's just the battery. I have my doubts because usually a jump will give it enough juice to get you to your next destination.
Anyway, we'll soon find out if I'm out of here or not. Stay tuned!


orlinrod said...

Problem solved:)

It was the battery.

Dawnita said...

I better see you on Thursday if you stay in town!