I'm going to vent because I really feel pretty peeved right now.
My Aunt and "Uncle" are living with me and Orly right now because they are building their beeeautiful home and have their current home on the market to be sold.
First off, I'd like my house back. That is not going to happen anytime soon.
Second, I'd like for them to help out with keeping the house clean. Is that too hard to ask for? If you cook something, clean it up. If you leave a mess, clean it up. It's a concept we've all learned at one point in our lives. I'm sure their beautiful new home will be mess free when it's ready for them.
Lastly, why is it SOOOO damn hard for them to pick up Maddox at a decent hour? He's such a good little guy. He's never fussy. He's always happy (as long as he isn't hungry or has a poopy diaper), and he LOVES them. So whats the problem people?? Pick him up and don't leave him at daycare all damn day. I consider that the LEAST thing you can do when you're living in our home for FREE! UGH!
Oh, and one more thing. Quit putting ideas in Ryan's head about Mc SAME- Mc Cant. He's not our President dammit. He's 7. Telling him that McCain is a "good guy" and Obama is a "not so good guy" is means for eviction.
Rant over.